MSN 600 mod 4 -Create Your Mind Map

DNP Capstone Project Help
7 min readApr 3, 2024


Step I: Create Your Mind Map

Create a Mind Map, with the central topic of My Professional Nursing Philosophy.

The Mind Map can be created with software or on an 8 1/2 by 11 paper sheet.

Be as creative as you wish.

Include your Mind Map when you submit your assignment.

Step II: Select a Nursing Theory

Select a nursing theory which embodies some of the same concepts found in your Professional Nursing Philosophy or one which resonates with you.

May use theories from the required readings or from a nursing journal.

Step III: Analyze your Personal Philosophy

Use your Mind Map as a reference for your paper and describe your Professional Nursing Philosophy.

What are the central concepts identified in your Professional Nursing Philosophy?

Do the central concepts of your Professional Nursing Philosophy align with the metaparadigm of nursing theories? Explain differences and similarities.

Discuss how your selected nursing theory aligns with your Professional Nursing Philosophy and how the two relate to nursing practice. What resonates with you and why? The theory does not have to be an exact match to your Professional Nursing Philosophy.

Indicate how you can utilize your Professional Nursing Philosophy as a framework for your nursing career. Provide practical and realistic ways to apply your Philosophy to practice.

General Assignment Instructions:

Follow professional writing standards for grammar, spelling, and syntax

Paper must be in APA format, with citations and references.

Include literature support for selected theory.

Paper must be 3–5 pages, excluding title page, reference page, and appendix.

Download template for paper here MSN 600 Template for Module 3 Assignment revised 1–1–23SN.docx

When completed, please upload the Mind Map using one of the following options.

Include the Mind Map as an appendix. This would come after your reference page and not count towards your 3–5 pages. This could allow you to reference the appendix if needed within your writing. See pages 41–46 and 198 in the APA manual for instructions and visuals on the format of an appendix.

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The paper describes the author’s nursing philosophy. The mind map provides a visual appeal that helps interpret and explore the philosophy’s concepts. The paper also highlights the relationship, similarities, and differences between the philosophy and the nursing metaparadigm. Additionally, the author describes Jean Watson’s theory of human caring and illustrates how it helped create the idea of patient-centrism. Lastly, the author exemplifies how their philosophy forms a framework for their current and future nursing practice.

Keywords: mind map, nursing philosophy, caring, patient-centrism.

Professional Nursing Philosophy

A nursing philosophy is a conceptualization of the values that an individual holds and demonstrates in performing their duties. Philosophies are often the result of information from different sources (such as books and mentors) as well as individual experiences. However, philosophies are dynamic and can change as one learns. This paper describes my philosophy, explores how it relates to the nursing metaparadigm and a relevant nursing theory, and demonstrates its role in my nursing career.

Personal Philosophy

My nursing philosophy elaborates on what a nursing practitioner must embody for them to be successful. Nursing is a multidisciplinary practice incorporating natural sciences and sociology to develop a competent practice. Hence, the integration of these disciplines allows nurses to deliver effective clinical and cultural outcomes while safeguarding the integrity of the nursing profession.

Figure 1: Mind Map: My Nursing Philosophy

Central Concepts

My nursing philosophy contains four central concepts: clinical competence, ethical competence, social competence, and professionalism (see appendix). First, nurses should be able to perform their clinical duties and offer maximum benefits to their patients with minimal risk (clinical competence). As such, they require a broad knowledge base, a robust skillset, and the ability to utilize evidence-based practice to address emerging clinical problems. The second concept is social competence. Nurses’ interactions with colleagues and patients are critical to success in their fields. Hence, they should possess collaboration, communication, and leadership skills to navigate sociocultural barriers in their practice. Thirdly, nurses should be ethical. Individual nurses must rely on standard ethical guidelines as well as their personal discourses to make difficult decisions. Lastly, nurses should demonstrate the highest levels of professionalism in their practice. They should endeavor to learn new concepts, such as emerging technology, as they become relevant in their practice. Additionally, they should prioritize their physical, mental, and emotional well-being to ensure they can administer highly competent nursing services to their clients.

Alignment with Metaparadigm

The nursing metaparadigm’s components are person, health, environment, and nursing. Each concept relates to a unique aspect of the nursing experience, though the definitions and expectations vary among individuals (Smith, 2020). For instance, in my nursing philosophy, the person is the beneficiary of all four components. First, the nursing metaparadigm is evident throughout the philosophy since it entails nurturing the ideal attributes, characteristics, and actions for optimal care delivery. The philosophy also aligns with the patient metaparadigm since the competencies allow clients to experience the best possible outcomes in all spheres of care delivery. Meanwhile, the environment can enable or hinder a nurse from achieving the philosophy’s competencies, making it a relevant metaparadigm for my philosophy. Lastly, integrating all four concepts will determine the degree of wellness patients will experience.

Similarities and Differences

My philosophy and the nursing metaparadigm are similar in that they both attempt to explain the wholeness of nursing practice. The metaparadigm defines the key components of holistic nursing practice, while my practice describes the holistic competencies necessary for effective nursing. Nonetheless, the two vary in some important ways. First, the metaparadigm is at a higher level of abstraction than my philosophy, making it open to diverse interpretations. On the other hand, my philosophy is less abstract and hence more practical. Another difference is that the metaparadigm is system-oriented, while my philosophy is individual-based. Despite these differences, the two entities are relevant to nursing practice.

Nursing Theory

Jean Watson’s theory of human caring is one of the most impactful nursing philosophies. The theory proposes that caring is fundamental to nursing practice and offers better health outcomes than a basic medical intervention. Thus, Watson created the theory and defined its components (society, nursing, environment, and health) around the ideal of caring (Gunawan et al., 2022). The driving force behind the theory was the recognition of the need for compassion in nursing to ensure that the practitioner responds to patient needs and not just the healthcare machinery (Gonzalo, 2023). The theory has impacted modern nursing by creating awareness of the need for patient-centrism in nursing actions and decisions. For instance, my philosophy describes what a nurse should be to ensure they deliver the best outcomes to their patients. Hence, the theory has influenced how nursing practitioners and leaders perceive their roles, resulting in a more mindful nursing system.


My nursing philosophy is a roadmap for my career. It allows me to create goals in each of the four key areas to ensure my competency is continuously growing. For example, I initially struggled with communication. I could not express myself confidently yet compassionately to fellow caregivers and patients. However, after realizing that communication is a social competency I could enhance, I began practicing. I engaged my peers and consulted various resources, and eventually, I became more confident in myself and could communicate more effectively. Therefore, the philosophy is an integral framework for my career and will continue to influence my professional goals in the future.


My nursing philosophy focuses on the areas of competency necessary for practitioners to deliver high-quality outcomes. These competencies (social, ethical, clinical, and professional) align with the nursing metaparadigm. Furthermore, the philosophy resonates with Jean Watson’s theory of caring by espousing the concept of patient-centered care. Hence, the philosophy forms a fundamental framework for my professional growth and development and will guide me toward contributing to the advancement of nursing practice.


Gonzalo, A. (2023, Jan. 12). Jean Watson: Theory of Human Caring.

Gunawan, J., Aungsuroch, Y., Watson, J., & Marzilli, C. (2022). Nursing Administration: Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. Nursing Science Quarterly, 35(2), 235–243.

Smith, M.C. (2020). Nursing theories and nursing practice (5th ed). F.A. Davis

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Originally published at on April 3, 2024.



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